Saturday, 19 April 2014
Minimalist kitchen Ideal
ALTHOUGH not always stand out as the other spaces , the kitchen remains should be laid out in accordance residential design . One little arrangement , the house will look less unsightly .
In the past , the kitchen is considered as dirty and smoky areas . Therefore , the tools used when cooking is still in the form of wood or bamboo so that in old houses where the kitchen is not considered special. In fact , in the eastern region of Indonesia in particular , it is difficult to differentiate between where the kitchen and living room because it is fused .
In contrast to the present age . Currently the kitchen can be said to have a function that is almost as much as the old days . Related to the more modern era , the upper classes chose more eating out than eating at home . No doubt , the kitchen was almost rarely used . The phenomenon that makes the existence of the kitchen into a " question mark " .
Architect Eryudhawan said Bambang , formerly the kitchen is the essence of a place to stay . This is where the center of the household activities , especially those related to cooking and eating activities . Only later , when modern residential architecture evolved and focused on the concept of public housing , the kitchen began to be made with minimal size . Such housing intended for the lower middle class society . The house is small , so is the kitchen .
Due to the small kitchen , then the owner of the house can not cook too many snacks . As a result , eating outside the home of choice . However , when the income was small , it is impossible also to constantly eat outside the home . Thus , the alternative chosen to shop and cook for themselves . In this regard , the small house would have to have a kitchen though minimal . The kitchen must be enabled for the activity of washing , cutting , and cooking food . Land size is not larger than the pantry . However , this phenomenon long into a dilemma .The dilemma in the sense , the kitchen can become a lifestyle or a kitchen is a necessity of a claim . Therefore , in addition to practicality , the kitchen is also increasingly rarely used . In fact, the kitchen may just be a place for cooking water . Not surprisingly , changing the lifestyle of people so that the kitchen made as necessary . Some coverage above phenomenon which later becomes a reason not to be made a big kitchen . Or in other words , the size of the kitchen fairly minimum .So , what should be standard equipment used to complete the minimum kitchen ? Bambang said , the kitchen is certainly a minimum should support activities such as washing , cutting , and cooking laukpauk . The ingredients commonly held is a sink , a package with a cut . Meanwhile , the rest of the other space to put the stove . " Ordinary stove . No need to think about wearing oven when not used every day , "said Bambang .In addition to standard tools to support the kitchen , another thing to note include three things: health , safety , and security . Health means is , the supply of trash cans in the kitchen . Therefore , you may not leave food ingredients that have been unused just lying on the cutting table . This certainly would invite unpleasant smells .However , you also should not necessarily let the trash cans are in a period too long . Preferably , finished cooking , immediately dispose of waste to the disposal of other areas . It is no less important , according to Bambang , make sure there is a window that can be opened so that fresh air into the kitchen . Therefore , the results of the air and the air smells of gas garbage out definitely harm you . For that, create a kitchen that relate directly to the outside air ." Do not let you create the kitchen was closed and dark . It can actually harm you , " said Bambang .
Related to the safety aspect , Bambang suggest that you have a tool for early fire prevention . No need extinguishers difficult , simply provide buckets and sand .
" The kitchen is the source of fire . Because not all homeowners have a fire extinguisher , then look simple . You can learn from India .There certainly provide every kitchen is made of zinc bucket filled with sand . So , every time there is a fire , yes its early prevention using the sand , "said Bambang .
While the matter of security , Bambang connect it to the location . The current location of the kitchen does not have to always be in the back . You may also put it on the front .
" So , while cooking , you can still control the condition of the outside area . Maybe once when the kitchen is placed in front of the house does not look beautiful . However , it is also a sparse, most families only . So , I think it is fine if you want to be placed outside the kitchen or in front of the house , " said Bambang .
So even with the kitchen floor , make sure there is slick and easy to clean . Thus , before buying flooring materials , used to ask the seller , if there is a layer or layers antinoda antigoresnya ? Many materials you can choose for the kitchen , such as granite materials or materials from natural stones .Talk minimalist concept , certainly with regard to the effect of the expansion of space . One component that could give the impression it is widely iridescence . Bambang suggested, should the colors used are bright colors such as white , off white , or beige .
Lighting is also important to note . You should select the type of bright lights . More than that , the kitchen lights also do not rely solely on the position above the ceiling . That's because without realizing it you can cover the lamp shade so that cooking becomes impaired . Alternatively , put the lights on the top kitchen shelf which is directed directly to the cooking activities .
Modern Architecture
A free term used since the late 19th century to buildings in a variety of styles, in which the attention is placed on functionalism, rationalism, and current construction methods, in contrast with the architectural style based on historical precedent and traditional building methods. This category often includes art deco, artmoderne, bauhaus, contemporary style, international style, organic architecture, modern slim.
Contemporary Architecture
The term is applied to any of a number of architectural styles that were popular in the 1940s and 1970s onwards, sometimes attached to a term of modern architecture; often characterized by wide overhanging roof, exposed roof beams and gable facing the front wall above the window; sometimes also a balcony with sunscreen hanging, roof deck and terrace which can serve as an extension of the residential space, and the other type has a flat roof seemed the embodiment of international style.
Tricks to Transform Simple kitchen into Luxury Kitchen
a kitchen changed drastically after its owner, Jill Goldhand,
requesting assistance SoulCycle Design Manager at West Coast, USA,
Brandon Quattrone and architects Architects Tyler Jorgenson shop. The kitchen which initially seemed simple became a luxury only a few changes. If interested, you can perform the following similar changes.
First, Quattrone and Jorgenson have to adjust uneven kitchen floor. They decided to close the floor with black steel. The steel needs to be measured and the previously established to have the desired look.
"The connection between the two panels is really a straight line. These panels are pressed together really smoothly," Quattrone said. "It was like walking on concrete, comfortable and cool. However, be easier to maintain."
Black steel is also used as a shelf on one wall. The shelf becomes an additional component to increase the storage capacity in the kitchen. Aesthetically, the new rack is able to align changes in the kitchen floor. According to Jorgenson, using the same materials that provide 'material language' in the whole kitchen.
Second, Quattrone change the color of the kitchen cabinets. Cupboard at the top is coated with a bright white color, while the cupboard at the bottom is coated with dark colors from Benjamin Moore's Deep Space.
"(Color) so modern and in, quite moody," Quattrone said. "This apartment is getting so much bright light and color is the right color to be among the steel dark and very bright kitchen cabinets are white, marble, and ceramic tile (which is normally found at the station) subway."
According Quattrone, everything was under waist in the kitchen will be a representation of the dark floor. Meanwhile, all that is above the waist will be a representation of things bright, light, and bright. This project is a visual dichotomy. At the same time, the project also reveals simplicity.
"The cool thing about this kitchen is being really smart with the base material," Quattrone said. According to him, the absence of flashy colors or patterns, the items look luxurious it makes the kitchen area of 18.5 m2 looks luxurious.
First, Quattrone and Jorgenson have to adjust uneven kitchen floor. They decided to close the floor with black steel. The steel needs to be measured and the previously established to have the desired look.
"The connection between the two panels is really a straight line. These panels are pressed together really smoothly," Quattrone said. "It was like walking on concrete, comfortable and cool. However, be easier to maintain."
Black steel is also used as a shelf on one wall. The shelf becomes an additional component to increase the storage capacity in the kitchen. Aesthetically, the new rack is able to align changes in the kitchen floor. According to Jorgenson, using the same materials that provide 'material language' in the whole kitchen.
Second, Quattrone change the color of the kitchen cabinets. Cupboard at the top is coated with a bright white color, while the cupboard at the bottom is coated with dark colors from Benjamin Moore's Deep Space.
"(Color) so modern and in, quite moody," Quattrone said. "This apartment is getting so much bright light and color is the right color to be among the steel dark and very bright kitchen cabinets are white, marble, and ceramic tile (which is normally found at the station) subway."
According Quattrone, everything was under waist in the kitchen will be a representation of the dark floor. Meanwhile, all that is above the waist will be a representation of things bright, light, and bright. This project is a visual dichotomy. At the same time, the project also reveals simplicity.
"The cool thing about this kitchen is being really smart with the base material," Quattrone said. According to him, the absence of flashy colors or patterns, the items look luxurious it makes the kitchen area of 18.5 m2 looks luxurious.
Friday, 18 April 2014
Ideal Home Interior Design
The style you choose can affect the mood and reflect certain periods in his beloved home. Here are some tips that you can consider in determining what style of interior design that is most appropriate, as quoted from page Interiorholic, Wednesday (09/19/2012).
1. Choose time period
Different periods have different design styles. So if you are interested in a certain period of time, the style of design in the period of time that can be translated into your interior design. For example, if you like the style of the period of the 50s, the style of design that you can use is a retro style.
2.Find Inspiration
Expand your knowledge of residential interior design through magazines or websites. Choose the style that catches your attention and learn more detail.
3. Mix and match styles
You do not have to stick to any style of interior design course. Mixing two or more styles in the same time could also be an option. Or you can also use an eclectic style and combines some elements of the interior, then put in one room.
4. Budgets are limited not obstacles
If you have a limited budget, activities renovate or makeover can be done more sparingly. You do this by reusing furniture that you have. Begin remodeling with style that you had before, then add other elements or simply play with color or texture.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Basic tips Home
Good air circulation is key to a healthy home. Energy can either be forwarded by air clean and fresh. The use of adequate ventilation and large are an important part of designing a good feng shui. Note also the laying of these vents. For
the bathroom, for example, do not install vents facing towards the
house, because it would deliver the air is dirty and smelly.
One of the basic tips home with good feng shui is set up so that the room gets adequate lighting. Adequate lighting is believed to increase the happiness and joy in the household. It has been proved scientifically too. Keep in mind, the lighting is not quite the same as installing a lot of lights. The warm glow of the sun was the one who more needed.
Interior design of the house as quickly as possible without creating the impression of a narrow or oppressed. Avoid using too much furniture or furnishings that put too 'wow'. Impressed cramped space will make the occupants feel uncomfortable and drab. The space is filled with makeshift furniture and simple just add to the comfort of the occupants.
Fill the spaces with pleasant colors. Nice color is not striking color, this color because it will make the occupants dizzy. Pastel colors such as pink, peach, beige and light blue can increase good energy in the house. Also avoid using colors like gray melancholy, because the effect will also affect energy in homes.
4 Tips Home Look Cozy
The design house is determining personality. Personality of people who live in it. You include people who are neat and happy beauty. It is important in life. Moreover, in arranging the room. Each person will be upset if things are not organized.
First tip
Living room. Minimalist home means little furniture. And a bit of the interior. Make sure there are only chairs and a coffee table. Do not have a shelf ornament or the like. Perhaps adding a wall display. If you want meramaikannya.
Try to do a lot of stuff in the living room. Guests will feel cramped when they travel. Moreover, your house is minimalist. Then the system as you see fit.
Make sure the guest chairs in small amounts. A maximum of four people. Do not be. It's important. To create a spacious living room atmosphere. If you already have more. Also not a problem. Just so you do not add other interior.
Then beautify your coffee table. With a simple patterned tablecloth. Also vase with flowers. If you can live flowers. To refresh the living room. However, you should always be ready to replace. When the flowers have started to wilt.
However, if you feel inconvenience. Could only with plastic flowers alone. However, the shape of the flowers should be good. Flower color should also be colorful.
Second Tip
Continues tips on managing second homes. For the second in the family room. So that the room looks spacious. Because your home is minimalist. Do not have a kind of sofa chairs. Quite a small table and carpet. It was to give an impression of space. Too broad. So the room does not look cramped.
If you have a chair or sofa. You can sell it. You will benefit from it. Unused goods. Currently there are still people who buy.
To put the television spot. Should select a special shelf for it. Enough tables or special television. Give decoration on the right and left side. Decoration can be either ceramic or other.
Third Tip
Third, the tips keep house. For the bedroom. Usually someone will put anything. So Kamr becomes full. There is no room to move freely. Just enough to sleep. Or simply to pray alone.
Should, as much as possible simple designed bedrooms. It contained a maximum of two people. The interior is there only a little. Do not be excessive. If both of them. And the interior of the lot. It will be packed taste.
Quite a bed with amenities. Wardrobe and study table and chair. To beautify, can add the carpet. Also make sure the room curtains with attractive motifs.
Fourth Tips
For tips on managing the latter. Namely, the fourth. For kitchen. Usually the minimalist homes. Kitchen with dining area into one. For kitchens usually have a narrow range. The room is located in the vacant place. Suppose there are hollow or empty space. Will be used as a kitchen.
It does not matter. As long as you design it neatly. For kitchen. Preferably one wall has a window. It was so fresh air. There is a healthy air circulation in the house.
Also change the color of the walls of your home. Give a festive color. To be in the home increasingly felt roomy. Choose paint colors that light up the walls. Such as yellow, orange, red. Blue, green, or purple. You minimalist house also looks comfortable.
First tip
Living room. Minimalist home means little furniture. And a bit of the interior. Make sure there are only chairs and a coffee table. Do not have a shelf ornament or the like. Perhaps adding a wall display. If you want meramaikannya.
Try to do a lot of stuff in the living room. Guests will feel cramped when they travel. Moreover, your house is minimalist. Then the system as you see fit.
Make sure the guest chairs in small amounts. A maximum of four people. Do not be. It's important. To create a spacious living room atmosphere. If you already have more. Also not a problem. Just so you do not add other interior.
Then beautify your coffee table. With a simple patterned tablecloth. Also vase with flowers. If you can live flowers. To refresh the living room. However, you should always be ready to replace. When the flowers have started to wilt.
However, if you feel inconvenience. Could only with plastic flowers alone. However, the shape of the flowers should be good. Flower color should also be colorful.
Second Tip
Continues tips on managing second homes. For the second in the family room. So that the room looks spacious. Because your home is minimalist. Do not have a kind of sofa chairs. Quite a small table and carpet. It was to give an impression of space. Too broad. So the room does not look cramped.
If you have a chair or sofa. You can sell it. You will benefit from it. Unused goods. Currently there are still people who buy.
To put the television spot. Should select a special shelf for it. Enough tables or special television. Give decoration on the right and left side. Decoration can be either ceramic or other.
Third Tip
Third, the tips keep house. For the bedroom. Usually someone will put anything. So Kamr becomes full. There is no room to move freely. Just enough to sleep. Or simply to pray alone.
Should, as much as possible simple designed bedrooms. It contained a maximum of two people. The interior is there only a little. Do not be excessive. If both of them. And the interior of the lot. It will be packed taste.
Quite a bed with amenities. Wardrobe and study table and chair. To beautify, can add the carpet. Also make sure the room curtains with attractive motifs.
Fourth Tips
For tips on managing the latter. Namely, the fourth. For kitchen. Usually the minimalist homes. Kitchen with dining area into one. For kitchens usually have a narrow range. The room is located in the vacant place. Suppose there are hollow or empty space. Will be used as a kitchen.
It does not matter. As long as you design it neatly. For kitchen. Preferably one wall has a window. It was so fresh air. There is a healthy air circulation in the house.
Also change the color of the walls of your home. Give a festive color. To be in the home increasingly felt roomy. Choose paint colors that light up the walls. Such as yellow, orange, red. Blue, green, or purple. You minimalist house also looks comfortable.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Shelter home
The house is a physical shelter from heat, wind, and rain, as well as a place to rest after a day's work for a living. Inside the home, family members gathered perform routine activities.
Ranging from eating, drinking, cooking, bathing, toileting, chatting, until sleep off fatigue and tired. Psychologically house is a place to get peace, peace, happiness, security, and convenience to its residents.
Because of this, many homeowners simply or even bamboo hut even feel happy. Therefore, although the hut but the atmosphere inside is filled with joy, openness, honesty, and responsibility.
The house is in Arabic called bayt (a place to sleep), daar (where the move), maskan (where settled quietly), or manzil (haven). Fourth is the meaning of shows function seseungguhnya home to its residents.
In the Qur'an, Allah says, "And God has given you your houses as a residence.'' (Surah an-Nahl [16]: 80).
Ibn Kathir decipher the verse with the explanation that God complete His favor over His servants by making them homes which is where they live.
So, they made the house as a place of refuge and a place to go back and get a variety of benefits. Therefore, home to a Muslim may be just a simple bamboo hut.
However, in the house was filled with gratitude to God, pleased with his gift, and filled with shades of worship. The members of the family are happy not because they have a self-contained furniture and expensive.
Not a treasure that makes happiness arises from the hearts of the inhabitants, but because they are full of confidence to his Lord, Islam as the foundation of his life, and put Muhammad as their role models.
Such circumstances revealed by the Prophet Muhammad who is physically simple, with a palm frond bed repose, no possessions and food supplies.
Nevertheless, he called the atmosphere in the house with incredible expression, "My house is my heaven" (baitii jannatii).
Therefore, it is essential house repairs, such as replacing leaky tiles, repaint faded colors, giving guardrail, and so on. However, far more important than fixing it all is the atmosphere in the house.
How to fix the atmosphere, of which the exhaled shades of worship, renovating custom occupants to be honest and open, as well as patching the bad properties with various goodness. Insha Allah.
7 Tips To Organizing Tiny Houses
Reforming the small house is tricky. Narrow room is a challenge that all residents needs are met. However, do not be discouraged. Imelda
Akmal, Trisakti University architecture graduate who wrote the book
Organizing Tiny Houses, giving tips to organize small house. Include the following:
1. Structuring playhouse need unity theme for each room should be an integral one-piece unit. Diverse themes will make a small house feel claustrophobic. If you choose ethnic structuring concept, consistent with this theme. Similarly, if you intend to highlight the modern impression. Choose furniture and other appendages that support this theme.
1. Structuring playhouse need unity theme for each room should be an integral one-piece unit. Diverse themes will make a small house feel claustrophobic. If you choose ethnic structuring concept, consistent with this theme. Similarly, if you intend to highlight the modern impression. Choose furniture and other appendages that support this theme.
2. Surviving a function room in a small house can create the impression of relief. For example, the kitchen space concurrently with the dining room, with a dining room, family room or child's bedroom with a study room.
3. Substitution room is also the step enlarges the narrow room. You can change the sofa in the living room so the bed to the sitting room could serve as a room when relatives were staying. Under the table or chair can be transformed into a drawer for storing tools or other equipment father.
4. Choose furniture and furnishings proportional supporters. Able to choose way more petite sized furniture and concise. The seats do not have a set living room sofa sleeved. Choose a chair that is sleek and not too thick seats. Today many furniture stores that provide chairs of wrought iron or wooden tables. Seat option also does not need to be too wide, for example, which accommodates three people. Enough seats with two seat because there are rarely three of them would sit in the chair if not forced. To note, do not buy furniture before you know for sure the size of the room.
5. Choose a style that is small and not too noisy or flashy to furniture. The style horizontal stripes can make the impression of the room. Great shades will make the room stuffy and claustrophobic.
6. Choose the right color. You can use color to create the impression of a game field. To impress a high roof, paint plasterboard select one level younger than paint the walls. To save money, you should paint the walls a neutral colored (beige, ivory, white). The colors always match with most furniture so you do not have to paint the walls when the furniture was replaced.
7. Create an open space as much as possible. For small house, the door is too much to add to the narrow sense. Allow plenty of open space to add to the impression of relief. As a room divider, use a partition that can be shifted and folded. If still memorable narrow, contiguous set your furniture. For example, by arranging chairs opposite each other, or put a translucent shelf between the living room and dining room.
Cheap Trick Home Design
Kurt Cyr designers have to design their own dream homes . Houzz contributor that wants to make a simple house using prefab structures , such as small warehouses .According
to him , how to build such a house is more economical , sustainable ,
and allow flexibility in the design of the interior than a conventional
home . To be sure , the fund does not swell .Here are some ways Cyr designing and filling the house within a limited budget . You can follow how to set the course and keep spending under control .First of all , Cyr wanted to design a house with a very simple form . Imagine the usual silhouette drawn children . That's the shape of the house belonging to Cyr ." Using prefab steel buildings and covered him with a strong
corrugated steel synonymous with maintenance free , save other expenses ,
" he said .
Second , the designer intends to get rid of desire book kitchen - sets that fit in the kitchen . Kitchen cabinets knock-down gorgeous , inexpensive , and can set their own much more interesting for him . Companies large furniture dealer is now available in Indonesia . You can visit and hunt kitchen furniture according to the needs and budget in your pocket !However , if you really need a island or table to prepare food in the middle of the kitchen , try to find a table that can be shifted . Such a table will allow you to mop the floor and keep the quality of the flooring .Third , be careful also in buying kitchen equipment . Buying with reckless , or just fell in love with the look kitchen without the need to make sure the features , durability , material , and price can make your pockets empty due to spend millions of dollars wasted . The same also applies to the sink or a sink , faucet , and storage shelves in the kitchen .Fourth , look for loopholes to use the old stuff that is still in good condition . Cyr inspiring form of old lockers that can be reused as a storage closet .
Cyr emphasized that you do not need to use the built -in cabinets . Storage areas such as vintage lockers are much more affordable and practical .He also showed inspiration bathroom door using wood used . Sliding door system of this kind can be a way out to have a unique occupancy at a price "tilt " .There is no harm in also using the sink ( sink ) are still in a state of ex- special. Moreover , antique sinks will add beauty to the bathroom , kitchen , or other parts of your home .Fifth , use shelves Removable for a variety of purposes in various rooms . Ranging from kitchen , bathroom , bedroom up could take advantage of this solution . System racks and cabinets Removable is the right solution because can be customized according to your needs . As needs grow , you just need to move or set it back .
Create a laundry room " Happy " , Here 's How to Adopt
The laundry room in a private home does not need to be large. The most important thing that needs to be provided in the space just wash tools and equipment , as well as setting " traffic " systematic .
Only , washing activities can be boring sometimes . Therefore , a laundry room as well as functional needs interesting things in it . Here's some inspiration for mothers or fathers who want to make a laundry room more interesting .
One Houzz contributor , Becky Harris , give interesting ideas to be displayed in the laundry room .
First of all , Harris recommends that you set beforehand laundry room with the same approach with a bathroom or kitchen . Make sure all the needs are met and you use materials waterproof , scratch resistant , and durable . This applies to flooring , wall coverings , and table surface .
Note also the technical room . That is , make sure the laundry room has a water connection is safe and smooth . Also make sure there is good drainage . In addition to washing machines , you can also put a sink for washing hands or small cleaning clothes .
Then , provide cabinets or surface such as a table in the kitchen .
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Laundry room ideas |
Cabinets store where you can make a cleaning solution , while the surface ( in the form of a table , or the top of a closet ) you can use as a place to fold clothes .
As a side note , you should also make sure the laundry room has adequate ventilation so as not too damp and moldy . If necessary , do not place the laundry room in the middle of the house . Instead , place it on the top floor or at the open house .
Harris then advise you to decorate the walls in the room. The use of wallpaper or wall paper to decorate the interior of the laundry room you can consider. This method could be an attractive option if you are able to ensure that the water splashed onto the walls of the nearly non-existent.
When in doubt , just use paint and stencils with color and form preferences .
Then , provide the element of " surprise " in the laundry room . It will be very interesting , especially if you have a laundry room that is closed.
Using brightly colored tabletop or surface as indicated by Visbeen Architects ( in illustration ) will increase the attractiveness of the laundry room .
The element of surprise is not just a brightly colored tabletop . You can also put a backsplash in one open wall between the washer and the wall-mounted cabinets . Use tile " coin " or tiles with interesting accents .
Do not forget , provide ample storage for all washing purposes . You can be creative for this storage area . Make translucent glass cabinets and cupboards write in the door! You can also use baskets pretty uniform to put a variety of purposes .
So , do not also forget the clothesline .
Use buffer shower curtain or a built-in wire clothesline as available at the hotel if you are limited places . Preferably , jemurlah clothes in open space . So , you should not put a barrage of wet clothes in the laundry room which is very closed . Unlike the case if the laundry room is located on the terrace balcony open space . In this place , you are encouraged to provide clothesline .
The next idea is to add a beautiful doormat into the laundry room . In addition to making the floor remains dry , the mat can also be pretty special focal point in the room . If you are reluctant to use the mat , pull focus to the wall by means of adding artwork in the room.
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